TPD Claims
TPD claims are a type of compensation claim, brought by many Australians, that cover certain injury, illness or sickness that you may have suffered in your life. TPD claims are paid out by the TPD insurer who provides cover and protection to all members, including yourself, of the Super Company that was managing your Super Fund at the relevant time.
You could be entitled to receive a TPD claim payout.
If you have ever been injured in the past and this injury has caused you to take significant time off work then you may qualify for a TPD claim payout.
Your injury or illness can be from anything and does not have to be work related.
Most injuries, sicknesses and illnesses can result in a TPD compensation payout. For example, injuries, sicknesses and illnesses can include:
- Injuries to back, head, hands, arms, legs, shoulders, knees, stomach, elbow and any other part of the body.
- Cancer
- Mental Illness
- Physical illnesses
- Medical conditions
- MS
- Chronic fatigue syndrome
- Heart attack
- Stroke
- Road accident injuries
- Injuries in public
- Accidents at home
- Sporting injuries
- Work injuries
- Car, bike, pedestrian and other road user accidents
What is a TPD claim?
A TPD claim is a type of insurance cover that is designed to provide financial protection to you in the event that you have not been able to work for a significant period of time due to an injury or illness. In essence, a TPD claim is a compensation claim for total and permanent disability that is lodged with your Super Funds provider who will have TPD insurance.
How much can I get from a TPD claim?
TPD claim payouts range from tens of thousands of dollars to hundreds of thousands of dollars. It all depends on the TPD insurance policy pertaining to the super fund provider.
Does it affect my Superannuation funds?
No, the TPD claim is paid out by the TPD insurer for the Super Funds provider and does not affect your personal superannuation funds at all.
Are there any out-of-pocket costs in making a TPD claim?
No, you do not have to pay anything out of your own pocket to make a TPD claim and your personal super funds are protected and unaffected.
How do I make a TPD claim?
Complete your free legal enquiry form today to see if you can claim a TPD.
Click HERE to get started.
Total and Permanent Disability Compensation Claims
Total and Permanent Disability
TPD stands for Total and Permanent Disability in the context of Australian superannuation funds. TPD law relates to the rules and regulations that govern the element of insurance for total and permanent disability that is part of most superannuation funds. The term TPD law describes not only the legislative statutes of the states of Australia referable to TPD claims but also encompasses the individual rules that govern the numerous different super funds that all have their own administrative regulations which are followed by the super fund trustees in order to manage the day to day business which must obviously remain within the scope of the both the rules and the legislation.
TPD – Your Super – Your Cover
Total and permanent disability insurance is a type of cover designed to provide financial protection in the event that you are unable to work ever again due to injury or illness.
When you suffer an injury or illness that leaves you unable to work ever again, your ability to earn an income is similar to what it would have been if the injury or illness had resulted in your death. The difference is that you still have to support yourself financially, and there will be no life insurance to support your family.
This is where TPD insurance steps in. The payout from a TPD insurance policy will generally be used in a similar way to a life insurance payout, however the funds will also have to support yourself as well as your family.
When TPD insurance pays
A claim will be paid on your TPD insurance policy when, in a doctor’s opinion, you are unlikely to ever work again due to injury or illness.
To seek specialist legal advice and representation for your potential TPD claim, please click here to complete your free legal enquiry form.
Do You Qualify for a TPD claim?
If you become Totally and Permanently Disabled, you can claim your superannuation early. Most superannuation funds also have a TPD insurance component. Therefore in addition to receiving your super early, you may be entitled to a lump sum payout through the TPD insurance component.
The definition of TPD is based on the wording in each individual policy, however, it generally requires that, for payment of the benefit, the trustee of the super fund must be satisfied that you will never again be able to work in any occupation to which you may be suited (having regard to your training, education or experience). Such a claim is based on medical evidence.
Your illness or injury does not have to be work-related. For example, illnesses such as cancer, mental illness, MS, chronic fatigue syndrome, heart attack, stroke, road accidents, accidents at home, can all result in total and permanent disability.
It usually does not matter if you developed an illness prior to joining the super fund.
To seek specialist legal advice and representation for your potential TPD claim, please click here to complete your free legal enquiry form.
How do I make a claim for TPD?
You need to contact your super fund in order to make a claim. You will be asked to fill out various application forms by your super fund, and to supply further information such as medical reports to support your claim. You will then usually be required to attend one or two medical assessments to determine the level of your disability. The insurer/fund may take several months to make a decision.
Whilst you can make a claim on your own, we strongly recommend that you seek legal advice before making a claim, to make sure your rights are fully protected and that the strongest possible claim is lodged.
The solicitors that we recommend, can represent you during the application process to ensure your claim is assessed fairly and reasonably by the fund and the insurer. They will advise you of the legal options available to you.
To seek specialist legal advice and representation for your potential TPD claim, please click here to complete your free legal enquiry form.