We hope that you find the following list of links to legal resources most useful and informative.
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Atlapedia location and geography, climate, people, statistics, religions, languages, education, modern history, currency, economy, trading prartners, transport, communications, military
Auckland District Law Society
AustLII Collection of legal links
Chiefs of State & Cabinet Ministers of New Zealand
CIA World Factbook
Country Briefings
Country Reports
Flag, flag history, etiquette, symbolism and meaning
GoogleDirectory – New Zealand Collection of general links
Governments on the WWW
Hieros Gamos Collection of legal links
Immigration Service
InfoPlease General information
Inland Revenue Department
International Constitutional law
Jurist Legal and general information
Knowledge Basket Research archive
Law Firms
Law Library of Congress Collection of legal links
Lawguru Collection of legal links
LawMoose Legal search engine
Library of Congress Portals to the World
Local Government Online
Lonely Planet General and travel information
Maori Studies Database University of Auckland
Megalaw Collection of legal links
Ministry of Justice
New Zealand Government
New Zealand Legal Sites University of Waikato
Office of the Ombudsman
Parliamentary Counsel Office
Privacy Commissioner
Refugee Law Provides access to material on refugee law in New Zealand: full-text of the leading decisions of the New Zealand Refugee Status Appeals Authority (RSAA) ; full-text of the decisions of the New Zealand High Court, Court of Appeal and Supreme Court on refugee issues
Te Puna web directory Directory to New Zealand and Pacific Island websites
Washlaw Web Collection of legal links
Atlapedia:General statistical information
BAILII British and Irish Legal Information Institute
Bar Council
Bills before the UK Parliament
Cabinet Office
Chiefs of State and Cabinet Ministers
CIA World Factbook
Country Reports General statistical information
The Court Service An executive agency of the Lord Chancellor’s Department Crown Prosecution Service
Daily Law Notes
Department of Trade and Industry
Directory of Barristers and Chambers
Employment Appeal Tribunal
Explanatory Notes to Public Acts With effect from the first Public General Act of 1999, all new Public Acts which result from Bills introduced into either House of Parliament by a Government Minister (with the exception of Appropriation, Consolidated Fund, Finance and Consolidation Acts), are to be accompanied by Explanatory Notes.
Flag, flag history, etiquette, symbolism and meaning
Google Directory – United Kingdom
Governments on the WWW
Hansard House of Commons Daily Debates
HM Land Registry
Her Majesty’s Stationery Office
Her Majesty’s Stationery Office Legislation UK Parliament, Scottish Parliament , National Assembly for Wales, Northern Ireland Assembly
Hieros Gamos Collection of links organised in Yahoo-style series of hierarchical menus. Despite the title, the links range far beyond law and government
Home Office The Home Office is the Government department responsible for internal affairs in England and Wales. The purpose of the Home Office is to work with individuals and communities to build a safe, just and tolerant society enhancing opportunities for all and in which rights and responsibilities go hand in hand, and the protection and security of the public are maintained and enhanced.
House of Commons
House of Commons Order Book
House of Commons Weekly Information Bulletin includes recent and forthcoming business of the House of Commons plus some for the House of Lords.
House of Lords
House of Lords Judgments
Incorporated Council of Law Reporting for England and Wales
InfoPlease: Countries of the World
Internet Law Library
Irish Law
Languages of the United Kingdom
Law Commission for England and Wales
Law Society of England and Wales
Law Society of Ireland
Law Society of Scotland
LawLinks Comprehensive portal of UK legal sites
LawOnLine Portal for legal sites in England and Wales
Legal Resources in the UK and Ireland Privately maintained portal
Library of Congress Guide to Law Online
London Stock Exchange
Lord Chancellor’s Department
National Assembly for Wales
Northern Ireland Assembly
Northern Ireland Bills
Northern Ireland Legislation
Office of National Statistics
Portals of the World Links to primary non-legal online resources chosen by Library of Congress subject experts
Scottish Courts Website
Scottish Parliament
Scotland Legislation
Smith-Bernal International Smith Bernal operates worldwide and is part of the largest international court reporting and litigation support group, LegaLink a division of WordWave. The group is at the forefront of technological innovation and has pioneered the use of real-time transcription and Internet-based information services for the legal and publishing professions, for government and other related groups.
Solicitors UK Solicitors and Associated Links and Advice
The Stationary Office Bookstore
The Stationery Office Official Documents
Statutory Instruments With effect from the first printed Statutory Instrument of 1987, the full text of all published Statutory Instruments are available on the Internet via these Web Pages
UK and Irish Law Schools
UK lawyers on the WWW
UK Legal Resources AustlII
UK Official Documents UK Online The easy way to government information and services
UK Parliament
Wales Legislation
WashLaw Web Provides “links to primary foreign and international legal resources, research aids, and sites useful in conducting research in these areas of law”
Atlapedia General statistical information
Lawyer Locator
American Bar Association
American Law Sources On-line Includes American, Canada and Mexico
American Legal Ethics Library Contains both the codes or rules setting standards for the professional conduct of lawyers and commentary on the law governing lawyers, organized on a state by state basis
American Society of International Law
AttorneyFind Search by subject category. Includes USA and other countries
Attorney Finder USA only. organized by geographic area and by field of practice
CIA WorldFactbook
Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) – Freedom Network
Country Reports General statistical information
Courtroom 21 Home Page Courtroom technology education and demonstration project
COURTS.NET Provides access to web sites maintained by courts nationwide
CSpan American Public affairs on the web
Department of Justice
EDGAR Database of Corporate Information
Emory Law Library Electronic Reference Desk
Federal Court Locator Service provided by the Villanova Internet Legal Research Compass. It is intended to give net citizens a means to access information related to the federal judiciary, including slip opinions.
Federal Register The Federal Register is the official daily publication for Rules, Proposed Rules, and Notices f Federal agencies and organizations, as well as Executive Orders and other Presidential Documents
The Federal Web Locator Service provided by the Center for Information Law and Policy and is intended to be the one stop shopping point for federal government information on the World Wide Web
FedWorld.gov Gateway to Government information
Findlaw Federal Laws
Flag, flag history, etiquette, meaning and symbolism
Global Legal Information Network (GLIN) (GLIN) maintains and provides a database of laws, regulations, and other complementary legal sources. The documents included in the database are contributed by the governments of the member nations from the original official texts which are deposited, by agreement of the members, in a server initially at the Library of Congress of the United States of America.
Google Directory – USA
Government Information Locator Service (GLIS)
Government Printing Office
Govspot government information portal designed to simplify the search for the best and most relevant government information online.
Hieros Gamos
Hoovers Online (Company info) Continuously updated intelligence on public and private companies worldwide.
How our laws are made
InfoPlease: Countries of the World
Internet Legal Resource Guide A categorized index of more than 4000 select web sites in 238 nations, islands, and territories, as well as more than 850 locally stored web pages and downloadable files, this site was established to serve as a comprehensive resource of the information available on the Internet concerning law and the legal profession, with an emphasis on the United States of America.
Internet Library of Law and Court Decisions Features extensive summaries of court decisions shaping the law of the web; providing facts, analysis and pertinent quotes from cases of interest to those involved in New Media addressing copyright, trademark, dilution and other intellectual property issues, jurisdiction, linking, framing, meta tags, clip-art, defamation, domain name, e-mail, encryption, gambling, click-wrap agreements, shrink-wrap licenses, spamming and other subjects
Languages of the United States
Law Info Links Legal Research and general resources
Laws Online
Law Library Resource Xchange LLRX.com is a unique, free Web journal dedicated to providing legal professionals with the most up-to-date information on a wide range of Internet legal research and technology-related issues
Law Runner: A Legal Research Tool
Law Sources On-Line – (ALSO)
Lawcheck – One stop shop for US legal sites
LawGuru Internet Law Library
Legal Information Institute : Cornell Law School
Legal Resources On The Internet (University of Southern California)
Library of Congress Guide to Law Online
Library Of Congress – Research Tools
Martindale Hubbell
Meta-Index for US Legal Research
National Center For State Courts
Office Of Information And Privacy
OMB (Office and Management and Budget) Watch
Shepard’s Citation Service (homepage)
State and Local Government on the Net
State Web Locator
Supreme Court Decisions (LII)
Thomas Library of Congress Server
University Law Review Project
University Of Chicago – D’Angelo Law Library Legal Research links
University of Michigan Documents Center
Villanova University School of Law Legal Research site
Virtual Chase – Legal Research On The Internet
Virtual Chase – legal research guide
Washburn University School of Law legal links
Williamette Law Online
World Wide Virtual Library: Law: Main Index
Yahoo! – Government: Law