
We hope that you find the following list of links to legal resources most useful and informative.

Please remember that our free Legal Enquiry Service is available 24 hours, 7 days a week.

To request legal help with your legal matter, please complete your free legal enquiry form.

Anti-Discrimination Commission (Queensland)
Bar Association of Qld
Court of Appeal (Recent Decisions)
Department of Justice
District Court
Office of Fair Trading
Qld Government
Qld Health Practitioners Tribunal decisions
Qld Law Society
Qld Medical Assessments Tribunal decisions
Supreme Court
Supreme Court (Recent Decisions)
WorkCover Queensland
Office of the Queensland Parliamentary Counsel
Queensland Judgments
Queensland Courts
Commercial & Consumer Tribunal
Land Court
High Court Judgments
Legal Aid Queensland
Australian Law Online
Glossary of Legal Terms
Dept of Justice and Attorney-General
Legal Information Access Centre
Caxton Legal Centre (Brisbane)
Queensland Law Handbook
self-help kits
The Public Trustee
Tenants’ Union Queensland
Dept of Justice and Attorney-General
Queensland Court
Office of Fair Trading
Citizens’ Advice Bureau and Highway Legal Service (Gold Coast)
Youth Advocacy Centre
Environmental Defenders Office (Qld)
Financial Counselling Services (Qld)
community legal services
Queensland Law Society
Supreme Court
District Court
Magistrates Court
Childrens’ Court
Planning & Environment Court
Mental Health Court
Queensland Tribunals
High Court of Australia
Federal Court
Family Court
Federal Magistrates Court
Administrative Appeals Tribunal
Queensland Parliament
Federal Parliament
Queensland Police Service
Crime & Misconduct Commission
Australian Institute of Criminology

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