
Legal Topics


TPD Claims

TPD Claims TPD claims are a type of compensation claim, brought by many Australians, that cover certain injury, illness or sickness that you may...

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Traffic Law

Traffic is the movement of motorized vehicles, unmotorized vehicles and pedestrians on roads. Traffic laws are the laws which govern traffic and...

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Tenancy Law

A lease or tenancy is the right to use or occupy personal property or real property given by a lessor to another person (usually called the lessee...

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Taxation Law

Taxation law refers to the body of laws governing taxation. Tax law conists of a codified system of laws that describes government levies on...

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Sports Law

Sports law is an umbrella term used to describe the legal issues at work in the world of both amateur and professional sports. Sports law overlaps...

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Property Law

Property Law - Property law is the law that governs the various forms of ownership in real property (land as distinct from personal or movable...

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Privacy Law

Privacy law is the area of law concerning the protecting and preserving the privacy rights of individuals. By definition, most countries treat...

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Personal Injury

Personal injury law concerns compensation for physical, mental and emotional injuries suffered by a person as a result of the conduct of another....

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Notary Public

A person commissioned by a state government to serve the public as an impartial witness with duties specified by law. The notary has the power to...

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Negligence Law

Negligence is the failure to use reasonable care. That is, negligence is measured against what a reasonable person would have done under the same or...

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Native Title Law

Native title is a concept in the law of Australia that recognises the continued ownership of land by local Indigenous Australians. Native title can...

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Motor Accidents

Strict time limits apply when seeking compensation for a motor vehicle accident, whether you are a driver, passenger, or pedestrian. You should seek...

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Military Law

Military personnel in Australia are bound to the DFDA (Defence Force Discipline Act) when on active service. In some circumstances, military...

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Mental Health Law

Mental health law is the area of the law that is applied specifically to persons with a diagnosis or possible diagnosis of mental illness, and to...

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Maritime Law

Broadly speaking, Maritime Law is a branch of international law that deals with territorial and international waters or with shipping or with ocean...

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A business arrangement in which the manufacturer of a product (or a firm with proprietary rights over certain technology, trademarks, etc.) grants...

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At law, a lease or tenancy is the right to use or occupy personal property or real property given by a lessor to another person (usually called the...

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Insurance Law

Insurance is a contract whereby, for a specified consideration, one party undertakes to compensate the other for a loss relating to a particular...

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Human Rights

A number of Commonwealth Acts provide for conciliation to settle complaints relating to discrimination and human rights. The Human Rights and Equal...

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Health Law

The right to health is recognised most clearly in those Australian laws that provide protection against risk to the health of citizens. These...

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Franchising Law

Franchising is a very common form of marketing goods and services. It may be described as a process whereby the owner of a product, method or...

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Cyberspace Law

This is also known as Internet Law and deals primarily with the following areas of law: - internet regulation; - governance structures of the...

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Criminal Law

Most aspects of our lives are affected by the law, which develops and establishes rules about relationships both between individual people, and...

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Conveyancing: The process of legally transferring property ownership from the seller's name to the buyer's name. Conveyancing is the act of...

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A contract is a legally binding agreement between two or more persons. For example, if you purchase any goods; if you buy a house; if you engage a...

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Computer Law

We cover all aspects of both Hardware and Software agreements and development agreements within the realms of Information Technology. Please...

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Commercial Law

Commercial Law ascertains to all laws and regulations governing the rights, relations and conduct of persons and businesses engaged in commerce,...

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Civil Litigation

The rules of court prescribe the means of commencing proceedings. They vary according to the court and the type of proceeding concerned. Some...

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Business Law

Business law is the body of law which governs business and commerce and is often considered to be a branch of civil law and deals both with issues...

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Aviation Law

Aviation Law is that branch of law that covers aspects of air transportation, including passenger air travel, air freight shipping, airspace rights...

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